Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin clearly intended to ban books in Wasilla
Palin advocated for the teaching creationism in public schools
Palin would force rape/incest victims who become pregant to give birth. This is tantamount to continued abuse.
Palin kept the "bridge to nowhere" money for Alaska
Palin did not rail against any Alaskan earmarks in 2008...until McCain picked her as a running mate. Alaska is no. 1 per person for the entire U.S.
Palin applied for and took huge earmarks for Wasilla when she was mayor
Palin is a firm believer in "end times", a scary worldview for any person at the helm of any military
Palin would like to speak in tongues, but can't (as far as we know)
Palin advocates for abstinence only, which clearly doesn't work (look in her own backyard)
Palin did not stop her family from harrassing state officials because they wanted an in-law fired
Palin's own in-laws aren't sure they'll vote for her
Palin lied about her daughter having mono
Palin lied by implying she sold the plane on Ebay
Palin needs to stop hiding, explain who she is and what she stands for. She needs to come clean with America.

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