Sunday, June 15, 2008

Barack Obama's Speech on Father's Day

GOP claim about Chinese oil drilling off Cuba is untrue

McCain and the Bitter Conservatives

Dems pay scant attention to successes in Iraq

A smuggling ring that sold bomb-related parts to Libya, Iran and North Korea

Get Osama Bin Laden before I leave office, orders George W Bush

RealClearPolitics Electoral College

Dozens Of Men -- Perhaps Hundreds -- Wrongfully Imprisoned By U.S.e

Oil prices ease after reported Saudi pledge

What's excessive? A windfall profits tax, that's what

Top 10 reasons to blame Democrats for soaring gasoline prices

At Obama's Former Church, Hurt Lingers
Black Congregations Feel Marginalized by Uproar

With Tim Russert’s Death, NBC News Must Replace a Man of Many Role

Eyewitness: Swamped by Iowa flood

Same-sex marriage plans around the Bay Area


CGL said...

Excellent selections for our education and edification. Thanks, Black Cell.

CGL said...

Much has been made about McCain having to cancel a fundraiser this past weekend. But Barack Obama "also cancelled a fundraising event. His was in Iowa & he was unwilling to pull police officers from flood relief efforts for his protective detail. He did however show up in Southern Illinois to fill a few sandbags & do interviews with local stations to bring attention to where sandbagging efforts were taking place. A photo op? Sure, but it was also used to bring in more local volunteers for the sandbagging efforts & as the Senator represents Illinois, it does seem to be appropriate that he was there."
